- Nov 1, 2020Who Is My Neighbor?
- Oct 18, 2020Running from God
Oct 18, 2020Running from GodBy: Greg SmithThis message will begin our Sunday morning series from Jonah. The focus will be on Jonah 1:1-3 and how some of us may be running from God and not know it. I also plan to use Psalm 139:7-10 and will refer to Luke 15.
- Oct 11, 2020Where God Can Use Us
Oct 11, 2020Where God Can Use UsBy: Greg SmithI will use highlights from Genesis 37-50 as we look at how the narrative of Joseph's life is something we can learn from in understanding that God will allow us to go to places where he can use us for his glory.
- Sep 27, 2020Wisdom
Sep 27, 2020WisdomBy: Greg SmithThis message will focus on the need for wisdom in our lives and the source of that wisdom. I will use 2 Chronicles 20 as my main text and will also use James 3:13-18. This lesson is to remind us who is in control and how we should first respond to life's difficulties.
- Sep 20, 2020It’s Not About the Jars
Sep 20, 2020It’s Not About the JarsBy: Greg SmithThis message will look at the suffering and comfort that comes from being a child of God. The text will be 2 Corinthians 4:7-18. The takeaway for the audience is that it's not really about us, but about what God does for us, and will continue to do for us. This should be the message of our lives.
- Sep 13, 2020Being Real Until It Hurts
- Sep 6, 2020Let There Be Light
Sep 6, 2020Let There Be LightBy: Greg SmithThis lesson will focus on Mark 4:21-25. Genesis 1:3-4 and other NT scriptures will also be used as we look at how Jesus was the light of the world and how we are called to shine his light around us during his physical absence.
- Aug 30, 2020Hope for that One Yet
Aug 30, 2020Hope for that One YetBy: Greg SmithThis message will be the last in our Sunday morning series from the book of Acts. I will use portions of Acts 17:16-18:8 as we look at what God has done through Paul to this point on his second journey. The takeaway from this message is that God can use people we do not suspect--and might have written off.